Taj Mahal

International Fundraising

Angel Ambassador Badge
(click image for link)

Aside from being of service to her clients by helping them identify the "why" behind their roadblocks so they can live a life of purpose and clarity, Virginia's other mission is to share her wealth. What we put out to help others equals what we receive in return, and when we give wholeheartedly to help others, the Universe responds in kind.

Early on in 2019, she attended a conference that touched her heart and soul. As a result, she has become an "Angel Ambassador" for the Unstoppable Foundation and donates to the foundation on a monthly basis. You, too, can join Virginia in living a legacy of giving.

If you feel it in your heart that "One Child Can Change The World," please click on the Angel Ambassador logo above to share your wealth by helping the Unstoppable Foundation "Sponsor A Village" so that children can receive an education and life-saving services.

Please visit the page titled Media & Fundraising to watch any of the videos and learn how the Unstoppable Foundation is being of service and making a difference in the life of a child and a village. Thank you!

"The only way to receive good is to give good."

— Bob Proctor —

Unstoppable Foundation
(click image for link)

One Child Can Change The World

Sponsor A Village


Click Here For More Information

Girl Up Initiative Uganda Donate
(Click image for link)

Virginia is also involved in supporting "Girl Up Initiative Uganda" as every little bit counts towards providing all these girls with hope for a better future through education and skills. Girl Up Initiative Uganda aims to build a vibrant movement of girls through transformative leadership, sexual and reproductive health education, and skills development.

Girl Up Initiative Uganda’s Adolescent Girls Program (AGP) is an in-school program that has empowered thousands of girls to rise out of the insurmountable poverty and inequality they face to thrive as leaders in their communities. GUIU tackles gender inequality head-on to ensure that women and girls become advocates for their human rights, their self-esteem and self-worth, and changing the status quo!

You're welcome to join us in this fundraising effort by clicking on the image or the button below to learn more about Girl Up Initiative Uganda. Thank you!

Girls Up Uganda



Click Here For More Information